Wednesday 6 May 2015

Who benefits most from WWE Payback’s Fatal 4-Way stipulation?

With Dean Ambrose officially added to WWE Payback’s WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match — which already includes World Champion Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and Randy Orton — we can’t help but wonder: Who benefits the most from the Fatal 4-Way stipulation?
These four Superstars share plenty of history. For example, you don’t have to look too far to notice that three of the competitors are former members of The Shield. The trio’s shocking breakup just less than a year ago is certainly still at the top of everyone’s minds, which raises many questions.
Case in point, when the onetime Hounds of Justice are put into a free-for-all situation, could the turbulent trio somehow fall into their old routine and take aim at The Viper? Well, most likely, Ambrose and Reigns’ combined hatred for their former “brother” is too great for that. But you can never say never in WWE.
For that matter, while The Big Dog and The Lunatic Fringe have remained friendly these past 11 months — as evidenced by the past couple weeks when both Superstars came to each other’s aid — will their enduring brotherhood remain intact with WWE’s most prized possession on the line? Can Reigns and Ambrose continue to side together against Rollins, the man who stabbed them in the back? Let’s also not forget just how cunning The Architect can be. Will the “Future of WWE” try to push a wedge in-between his former Shield cohorts?
But what of the WWE World Heavyweight Champion? Rollins finds himself in a precarious position indeed. He can lose his coveted championship on May 17 without ever being pinned. The clever Superstar will certainly have plans B, C and D ready to go if needed, but trying to figure out what they could be is the difficult part. You can bet J&J Security will be close by to lend a helping hand when called upon. But what role will Kane play? The Authority’s Director of Operations has not been seeing eye-to-eye with the titleholder lately, with both Superstars differing on what they think is “best for business.” Will the Corporate Demon be on the same page with Rollins at WWE Payback?
Last, but certainly not least, is The Viper, whose RKO out of nowhere may be the most effective finisher for this type of contest where a quick pin could change the future of WWE forever. The 12-time WWE World Heavyweight Champion is no stranger to these types of bouts with multiple variables and personalities at play. The Apex Predator has battled alongside Reigns over recent weeks, but any partnership he had with the powerhouse Superstar was probably erased after Orton RKO’d him at the conclusion of Raw. Orton may truly be on an island by himself in this contest, but is that a good or a bad thing for WWE’s most venomous Superstar?
In all likelihood, each of these Superstars will be ready to throw out any allegiance when it comes down to winning the WWE World Heavyweight Title. On the road to WWE Payback, however, the person who benefits the most may be the one who plays the game the best.