Nonetheless, it must be pointed out that AJ is her own woman, and has her own dreams. Speaking of which, the fierce female has managed to achieve many of those dreams – infamously captured in her teens gushing with tears as she met her idol, Lita, AJ has since become an icon to young women herself.
Strong vocal performances, and a real proclivity to do anything it takes to improve her in-ring skills saw AJ quickly sky rocket up the ladder in the WWE's female division. The company typically don't give women much to do, other than feature in brief matches and generally act as eye candy for the cameras, but Lee has managed to break free from the mundane, becoming one of the most exciting women on the roster in the process.
Behind the camera, she certainly seems comfortable, and these rare photographs often show a different side to the female millions of fans are used to seeing each week on television.
21. Hanging Out With Her Idol
With tears in her eyes, the young woman would grow to build a legacy of her own.
20. Lethal Combination
Known on-screen for the amount of romances she’s had, AJ’s real love life used to be tied to ex-TNA star, Jay Lethal.
19. Gloating At A Live Event
Nobody can deny that it worked, helping shunt her into the eyes of management, becoming a focus of the Diva division.
18. Sealed With A Kiss
Backed by Big E, the power couple were never really given time to develop.
17. Self-Celebration
This still is a chance snapshot by a WWE cameraman, right before the video cameras started rolling, capturing some footage.
It’s fascinating to see Lee getting into character here.
16. Backstage Candids
The duo effectively broke into WWE around the same time, coming up through the ranks together.
15. Crossover Appeal
Here she is posing for a laid-back shot with star of Salem, actor Shane West.
14. Feeling The Force
Back inside the ring, AJ Lee has contested many matches against The Bella Twins, here seen taking a top-rope dropkick from Nikki Bella.
13. Pipebomb Princess
This shot is taken from a live event in Australia, hence the lack of the ‘WWE’ microphone.
12. Young Aspirations
Now a premier star in the company, AJ is called upon to attend a lot of WWE signings, meeting fans young and old in the process!
11. Supermarket Silliness
Associated together on WWE TV, the Diva formed a friendship in real life with Dolph Ziggler, but apparently doesn’t appreciate his choice of confectionery.
10. Playing Heel To Perfection
Even though the character was booked to be borderline crazy, AJ still lorded it over fallen opponents, showing more traditional heel traits.
9. The Generation Gap
It’s interesting to note that AJ doesn’t seem quite so overwhelmed by Kim here, contrasting with how she reacted upon meeting Lita, but maybe the tears had already fallen!
8. Preparing With Punk
The pair are now happily married, as Punk prepares for life in mixed martial arts.
7. Overpowered By A Real-Life Pal
This excellent candid captures the exact moment of impact, as AJ is felled by a powerful clothesline from her opponent, and real-life friend.
6. Career Comes Full Circle
Taken at Wrestlemania’s fan Axxess, this young AJ Lee fan can’t contain her emotions.
5. Backstage Photo Op
This cool shot shows a variety of WWE stars hanging out backstage, with AJ sandwiched in between Alicia Fox and John Cena.
4. Birthday Girl
Posing here with friends, this seems like quite the birthday bash AJ Lee has planned, and it’s fair to say millions of wrestling fans around the globe would have loved to have been invited!
3. Latin Connection
It would have been interesting to have been a fly on the wall during the conversation between AJ and Eve Torres, right before this quickfire snap was taken backstage.
2. In The Make-Up Chair
On location at a photoshoot to promote Summerslam, AJ can’t even get enjoying her coffee, due to the demands of the industry she loves.